Tag: loss

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Whole body vibration exercise, previously used for disease management, found to be effective at improving the physical condition of athletes as well

A study discovered that whole body vibration exercise not only manages diseases, but also improves the physical condition of athletes, particularly soccer players, divers, and combat athletes. A group of researchers from Rio de Janeiro State University in Rio de Janeiro and the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom conducted a review on studies […]

Guidelines for choosing clothing and accessories for any survival situation

Clothing is an essential part of outdoor survival, and many seasoned and expert survivalists will agree that wearing the right clothes and accessories will boost the chances of survival. An article featured on the Survival Frog blog stressed that choosing the right clothes help protect against the elements including the wind, rain or snow. Clothing also helps keep the body dry, warm and well-insulated, the blog read. The entry […]

Rapid Weight Loss Results: Is It Possible?

[ico type=”weight”] It is possible to experience rapid weight loss results, but the challenge is when the weight comes off too quickly at the expense of your health. In situations where a person is dealing with obesity or an overweight condition that is interfering with health or a normal lifestyle, doctors may recommend medical weight […]