Tag: medical

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Hot mic catches Israel Health Minister admitting that vaccine mandates are about coercion and social control, not science or medicine

A hot mic from Israel’s Channel 12 News caught the country’s health minister admitting that vaccine mandates are about coercion and social control, not science or medicine. Israel’s Health Minister, Nitzan Horowitz, was having a candid conversation with Interior Minister, Ayelet Shaked, about the country’s draconian Green Pass vaccine passport system. Neither Minister knew that […]

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American Psychiatric Association warns left-wing psychiatrists to stop “diagnosing” President Trump without a medical examination… a total violation of medical ethics

In the wake of the mainstream media’s glorious failure to conjure up enough fake news about President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia to get him impeached, the official narrative has now shifted to claiming that the billionaire businessman is mentally ill, and thus unfit for office. But the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has issued a […]

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Collapsing Venezuela’s chronic shortages have led to creation of “medical flea markets”

Life in Venezuela under the “socialist revolution” of President Nicolas Maduro continues to devolve into a hellish existence, and that is especially true when it comes to basic human needs like nourishment and medical care. To the latter, things are so bad in the South American nation that at any given time, its pharmaceutical association […]

Hip surgery on a Sunday? Think again… it could be your last

Bristol University researchers have concluded that elderly patients are more likely to die if they undergo a fractured hip surgery on a Sunday. Termed “the weekend effect“, the study looked at more than 250,000 cases of hip fracture surgery and saw that 12.5 percent of these were performed on a Sunday. It was found that […]

Three-quarters of world’s population now overweight or obese… the scourge of processed foods will bankrupt the world

Researchers have identified yet another fat-related pandemic that has affected the vast majority of the world’s population. New Zealand-based researchers have coined the term “overfat” to describe a condition where the amount of excess body fat is enough to increase the risk of adverse health conditions. Data from a recent study reveal that up to […]

10 Tips: Boost Serotonin Levels Naturally & Feel Happier

Millions are Diagnosed with depression every year, and it is time we begin feeling happier without relying on medication. As defined by psychologists, a person has a major depressive episode when he or she has symptoms of major depressive disorder, including depressed mood or feelings of emptiness, hopelessness or irritability, that last for two weeks […]

Medical marijuana victories sweep America as 4 states leap ahead with holistic freedom

The November 8 ballots produced a solid victory for medical marijuana proponents, with several states passing new medical marijuana laws. Four states – Arkansas, Florida, Montana and North Dakota – will all now allow those seeking pain relief and treatment for numerous illnesses to have access to the healing benefits of the cannabis plant. Before […]

Marijuana use leads to laziness, study suggests

Lead study author Mason Silveira, of the Department of Psychology at Columbia, and colleagues report their findings in the Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States; a 2014 survey found more than 22 million Americans reported […]

Anorexia: genetic and environmental risk factors uncovered

The team, from Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC), has published the results in the journal Translational Psychiatry. They note that anorexia is the third most common chronic illness among young people in the US and has a mortality rate of 8-15%. Many people with anorexia view themselves as being overweight, even when they are underweight, […]

Saturated fats’ impact on type 2 diabetes risk ‘varies across acids’

Foods with a high proportion of animal fat – such as butter, cheese, red meat and fried foods – typically contain saturated fat, which has long been considered unhealthy. Currently, recommendations suggest that no more than 10% of our calorie intake should be made up of saturated fats. Although some scientists have suggested there may […]