Tag: Medicine

Diabetes: Stimulating bone stem cells may improve fracture repair

The team, from Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, CA, reports the findings in the journal Science Translational Medicine. Michael T. Longaker, a professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery and one of the study’s senior authors, sums up the work: “We’ve uncovered the reason why some patients with diabetes don’t heal well from […]

Estrogen regulates the brain’s fear response, protecting against PTSD

An existing body of research seems to suggest that women are more prone to developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than men, despite the fact that they tend to experience fewer traumatic events than males. A new study – performed by researchers from Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, GA, in collaboration with Harvard Medical […]

Natural Allopathic medicine: the power to heal and cure cancer

There has never been a more important time for all systems of healing to integrate and bring their best practices to the forefront. Practitioners of allopathic medicine should be working directly with naturopaths to put patients first and get to the root causes of human suffering and disease. Good medicine should strive vigorously to do […]

Homemade Cough Drops to Soothe Your Sore Throat

No matter if you have a dry cough or a wet cough, next time when you have a bothersome cough, don’t take the commercial medicine immediately as you can ease a cough and soothe your throat naturally by using the readily available ingredients in your kitchen. This DIY cough drops not only relieve all kinds […]

Dump pharmaceuticals for migraines and use lavender essential oil: Study

America is a migraine nation. Approximately 37 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. It’s estimated that there are 2-3 million chronic migraine suffers and about 5 million have a minimum of one migraine attack per month. Even worse, 11 million Americans are moderately to severely disabled by migraines. Ninety-one percent can’t work or function during […]

Hundreds of parents using Facebook to raise concerns over dangerous side effects of children’s Ibuprofen

The world’s biggest social media platform is being used as a gigantic virtual megaphone by hundreds of concerned parents who are reporting serious side effects from giving their child a medicine, after one mother’s Facebook safety warning. As reported by the UK’s Daily Mail, Alison Smith took to the social media site to voice concerns […]

Get better quality sleep with daily yoga and meditation

Do you have trouble sleeping, or do you sleep poorly? You might go a long way to fixing these problems simply by implementing a daily yoga and meditation practice. Trouble sleeping or poor sleep can be caused by many lifestyle factors, which are the first thing that should be addressed. For example, consumption of alcohol […]

Exercise hormone sheds fat, ‘helps people stay slender’

A professor of cell biology and a team at Harvard Medical School discovered the hormone dubbed “irisin” in 2012. They isolated the natural hormone from muscle cells that trigger some of the health-promoting properties of exercise, which, they say, could be developed into novel treatments for diabetes, obesity, and cancer. In the previous study, the […]

5 Things You Must Tell Yourself When You’re Being Judged

Judging others seem to be part of our everyday lives that we are almost unaware how much hurtful it can be and how much damage it can cause to the person who is being judged. We are not even aware of how it influences unjustified opinion we create about others according to what we hear […]

Picky eating linked to underlying psychological problems in children

In particular, researchers from Duke Medicine in Durham, NC, found that both moderate and severe levels of selective eating were associated with psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The findings of the study are published in the journal Pediatrics. Eating problems are so prevalent that many clinicians and researchers consider […]