Tag: migraines

Migraines: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

What are migraine headaches? The exact cause of migraine headaches is unknown; it is thought to be due to abnormal brain activity causing a temporary alteration in the nerve signals, chemicals and blood flow in the brain. Lady holding head in pain Migraine headaches can be very debilitating. Migraine headaches can be very debilitating affecting […]

Herbal Oil That Can Cure Depression, Migraines, Anxiety, and Even Cancer

herbal; For many years, frankincense oil has been used for therapeutic, religious and pharmaceutical purposes. Research shows that it offers many benefits like relieving pain, fighting inflammation, reducing stress, and fighting cancer. There are various ways to use this oil, you can either inhale it or absorb it through the skin. It can also be […]

Carcinogens You’re Inhaling Everyday Without Realizing It

The fastest way to get a poison into the body is by inhalation and through our skin. And while you think you have your symptoms of migraines, allergies, asthma, myocardial infarction, high blood pressure or brain fog under control with medications – that just might be adding fuel to the already smoldering fire. Where can […]

Migraines: unique data collected from sufferers sharing pain on Twitter

Though seeing a social media newsfeed full of misery is not exactly uplifting for the reader, for the writer, venting about pain can be cathartic. Now, the first study of its kind shows the impact of migraines on patients by analyzing individuals’ Twitter posts related to migraine attacks. The study – led by Alexandre DaSilva, […]