Tag: people

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Australia to SHUT DOWN domestic manufacturing of deadly AstraZeneca vaccine

Australia is set to halt domestic manufacturing of the experimental and dangerous AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. In Nov. 2020, the federal government of Australia signed a contract with Australian biomedical firm CSL to manufacture 50 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine at the company’s main manufacturing hub in Melbourne. When the country’s government signed […]

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Why do we really smile?

People smile for different reasons, in various contexts, but only certain kinds of smile generally pass as an honest mark of happiness. Is this what they really are, though? Although smiles are generally taken as signs of contentment, humans actually smile for many different reasons. Sometimes we do smile simply because we are happy, but […]

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Natural Pet Care: Holistic Remedies Aren’t Just for People Anymore

The field of holistic medicine has increasingly grown in the United States and around the world. Even further there are healthcare providers that provide these cares for pets. Acupuncture and chiropractic care is no longer just a practice available to human beings. Injured pets can get all manner of therapies to bring them back to […]

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The Health Ranger warned America almost TEN YEARS AGO about psychiatric drugs and school shootings… but no one listened

Following the latest tragic incident of mass murder on a school campus, tens of millions of Americans are once again going through a mix of emotions. Many are angry. Many are frustrated. Some are disgusted and others are fearful. Some Americans are a combination of all of those things. But nearly to a person, Americans […]

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Military lessons for preppers: How to “improvise, adapt, and overcome” challenges

Murphy’s Law states, “If anything can go wrong, it will.” Today’s world is unpredictable – there are threats of nuclear war, an impending zombie apocalypse from radiation and toxic chemicals, and the risk of being overrun by machines and artificial intelligence (AI). How in the world do we prepare for these extinction-level disasters? It’s easy […]

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Anti-conservative censorship spreads from campuses to GOOGLE and other

Censorship, discrimination and mandatory “anti-bias” training sessions that cross the line into political indoctrination are now common stories for conservatives on college campuses. But they are increasingly the norm at another haven of young progressives: Silicon Valley. (Articles by Peter Hasson republished from DailyCaller.com) A class action lawsuit filed on behalf of former Google engineer James Damore […]

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The Left’s culture war against Whites is a prelude to mass genocide against all those who who born with white skin

Have you ever noticed that any time a white person makes the argument that reverse racism exists in America, they are immediately shut down before a real conversation even has a chance to commence? Why is discrimination okay if the victims are white, but not okay if the victims are black? What exactly is going […]

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Jeff Sessions re-criminalizes cannabis nationwide… the full TYRANNY of Washington D.C. lunatics is now on display

By now, you’ve probably heard that U.S. DOJ head Jeff Sessions just “re-criminalized” all cannabis nationwide, regardless of state-based legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use. “The Justice Department chief effectively withdrew federal guidelines that helped limit prosecutions of businesses and individuals who sold pot in a legal manner under state law because marijuana […]

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How Cancer is Mainly Caused by The Intake of Acidic Food

The leading cause of cancer is the food we eat.  A long time ago we consumed a diet of mainly alkaline food, but that has changed, and rate of cancer has increased. The majority doctors don’t inform you on the correct food to eat to stay free of cancer and what to eat to cause […]

First Step to Get More Physically Active: Choosing The Right Running Shoe

A healthy diet, relax and physical activity is the pillars of the healthy lifestyle. Like choosing the right nutrients is essential to fuel your body, sleep is necessary to relax, one of the most important aspects of running is choosing the right running shoe. Many people have argued that a special running equipment is not […]