Tag: quality

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Technical solutions for pulling pollution out of the air are distractions that allow both government and industry to keep polluting

The global air pollution situation has peaked, causing millions to succumb respiratory issues and other health problems. Various countries have attempted to tackle this worldwide epidemic through all kinds of creative means. In Xi’an, China, a tower the size of a small high-rise is said to purify the air around it. In London, a group […]

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More “folk medicine” holds up under scientific scrutiny: The fruit of an evergreen tree in Bangladesh found to reduce fever, pain, inflammation

  Yellow Myrobalan (Terminalia citrina) is a type of large flowering plant widely found across India and Pakistan. Its fruits are of particular interest, as they’ve utilized in many kinds of simplistic medicinal applications. The pharmacological potential of these fruits hasn’t been fully explored until recently, when numerous Pakistani researchers from various institutions took it […]

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Korean herbal medicine confirmed to treat flu-like conditions

Researchers have found that mahwang-tang (also spelled as mahuang-tang in some studies), a traditional Korean herbal medicine, contains anti-inflammatory properties — making it ideal for treating flu-like diseases. In their study, titled Simultaneous determination and anti-inflammatory effects of traditional herbal medicine, mahwang-tang, a group of researchers from the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine conducted a simultaneous analysis of the nine […]