Researchers from Imperial College London have found that watching virtual reality (VR) videos of the North Pole helps relieve chronic pain. In a study published in Pain Reports, the researchers reported that VR therapy helps reduce perceived pain levels and pain sensitivity. Virtual reality an effective pain reliever The researchers mimicked the heightened sensitivity of people with chronic pain […]
A study published in Toxicology Reports on September 14, asks, “Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?” The study also poses the question, “Why are we vaccinating the elderly against COVID-19?” Researchers from Italy, Russia, Greece, Romania and the United States dissected the data on covid-19 infection in children and in the elderly. They properly […]
Organic farming has gained steady ground in the U.S. farm sector over the recent years due to the growing demand for healthy food products by consumers. While conventional farming is still the more prevalent type of agriculture – yielding significantly more produce than its organic counterpart – one study suggests that organic farming may present more job opportunities […]
As many people strive to start out the new year with healthy eating habits, it’s important to keep in mind that choosing the right vegetables is just as important to your health as consuming them in the first place. That’s because vegetables are prone to contamination not only from pesticides but also from the air, […]
A new study from across the pond has found that antibiotics can actually prompt bacteria populations to grow faster than if they were left alone. The shocking findings also revealed that E. coli — the bacteria known for causing food poisoning — developed stronger antibiotic resistance with every dose of the drugs. And when the […]