Tag: weight

Early menopause in women raises the risk for type 2 diabetes, research shows

Going through menopause is generally an unwelcome experience at any age, but new research shows that women who experience “the change” earlier in life have extra reason to be concerned. A new study from Oregon’s Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research shows that women who have their last menstrual period before their 46th birthday are […]

Using Splenda Linked to Type 2 Diabetes, IBS, and Cancer

More and more Americans are dieting each year, resulting in a steady increase in revenue for the diet industry. As of 2012, Americans spent 65 billion dollars attempting to lose weight. One of the largest markets were diet soda, with Americans spending 21.15 billion dollars. (1) American’s spent 21.15 billion dollars on diet soda in […]

How To Combine Foods For Optimal Health

Combining Foods for Optimal Health In seeing patients every day, we inevitably have to focus on nutrition and combining macronutrients for health and vitality. This can be a little more advanced because we are now discussing combining your carbs, proteins and fats in the most optimal way for weight loss and energy. This is beneficial […]

10 Easy To Prepare Juice Recipes With Great Health Benefits

What better way to start your day than with a glass of fresh juice out of your fridge? Within moments of drinking it, you can feel completely refreshed. Also, with lots of fruits and vegetables readily available, you can make up your recipe, depending on what you want for the betterment of your health. Although […]

Rapid Weight Loss Results: Is It Possible?

[ico type=”weight”] It is possible to experience rapid weight loss results, but the challenge is when the weight comes off too quickly at the expense of your health. In situations where a person is dealing with obesity or an overweight condition that is interfering with health or a normal lifestyle, doctors may recommend medical weight […]