The truth about eggs 14

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The truth about eggs 14

irst and foremost, when you eat an egg you are participating in the abortion of a creature.

The purpose of an egg is to provide all the materials necessary to develop one cell into a complete chick with feathers, beak, legs and tail. This 1 -1/2 package is loaded with proteins, fats, cholesterol and minerals to create a living being.

Unfortunately, the American Egg Board’s mission is to convince the American public that the egg is “one of nature’s most perfect foods.” In 2017, US egg production was 102 billion table eggs, equating to the consumption of 350 eggs a year for all individual consumers in the US.

A cooked egg is absorbed through the intestines and its high concentration of “nutrients” provides too much cholesterol, fat and protein for our body to process safely. Some of the adversities to us are weight gain/obesity, heart disease, type-2 diabetes and more.

A whole egg is 32% protein and the white of the egg is 100% protein. Infants and growing children only need 5% of their calories from protein. So, eggs and egg products are 6 to 20 times more concentrated in protein than needed. Excess protein burdens the organs of metabolism like the liver and kidneys.

Animal proteins, particularly from egg whites, are “rich” in troublesome sulfur-containing amino acids like methionine. This “sulfur” is what you find in lava flows from volcanos. It is sickening and deadly. Why?

1. They break down into sulfuric acid, which is a primary cause of bone loss leading to osteoporosis and kidney stones.
2. The methionine metabolized into homocysteine, which is associated with heart attacks, strokes, peripheral vascular disease, thrombosis, dementia, Alzheimer’s and depression.
3. The sulfur feeds cancerous tumors because they are dependent on methionine in the diet.
4. The sulfur from the amino acids is toxic to the tissues of the intestines, which creates horrific effects on the colon, even at low levels, and leads to ulcerative colitis.
5. Halitosis, body odor, and farts that smell like rotten eggs are a direct result of the sulfur-containing amino acids that should be avoided.
6. Restriction of methionine prolongs life.

A significant amount of the $16 million collected each year by the American Egg Board is allocated for research to try and prove that eating eggs will not contribute to your risk of dying of heart disease. Good luck!

What they do, in their studies, is to saturate their subjects with cholesterol from other sources like beef, chicken, and fish and then add eggs to their diet. Once a person has consumed 400 to 800 mg of cholesterol in a day, adding more from an egg causes little rise because the bowl cannot absorb much more cholesterol. Then, the poor-quality studies funded by the egg industry add to the false information they use to convince the public that eggs are “safe” to eat.
The actual impact of egg eating is seen when people who eat little cholesterol are fed eggs. When 17 lacto-vegetarian college students, consuming 97 mg of cholesterol a day were fed one large egg daily for 3 weeks, their “bad” LDL-cholesterol increased by 12%.

A 50-year study of nearly 2,000 middle-aged men, the Western Electric Study, found that dietary reduction and cholesterol intake of 430 mg (2 eggs daily), was associated with a 43% reduction in long-term risk of coronary heart disease, a 25% reduction of risk of death of all causes, and three years longer life expectancy.

In addition to heart disease, higher cholesterol intake is also associated with more risks of strokes, blood clots, high blood pressure and cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, lung, and brain. Cholesterol is the most damaging to our arteries when it is present in an oxidized form, as free radicals. Eggs and egg-derived products are the main source of oxidized cholesterol in the diet.

Other high-quality studies show that adding one egg to the daily diet of the average “healthy” person, already eating 200 mg of cholesterol will increase their serum cholesterol by about 4%, which translates into an 8% increase in their risk of heart disease. Two eggs daily will mean a 6% increase in cholesterol and 12% more heart disease over the next 5 to 10 years. Young men who consume two of these aborted chicks daily, means a 30% higher risk of coronary heart disease over their lifetime.

Eggs are filled with too much protein, cholesterol, calories, fat, bacteria, and environmental chemical contamination, to be consumed with any frequency with any expectation of health. Egg protein is a common source of allergy in infants, children and adults, producing problems from hives to asthma. Besides being high in fat, which promotes obesity and type-2 diabetes, the fats and the cholesterol in the aborted chick promotes the formation of cholesterol gallstones and gallbladder attacks.

To add insult to injury, egg-borne infections caused by salmonella bacteria can give rise to cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, chills, fever, and/or headache and food poisoning, aka salmonellosis.

Eggs are a main contributor to human exposure to dioxin and other environmental chemicals that are known to cause birth defects, neurological damage and, last but not least, CANCER!

Many of the alleged nutritional qualities of eggs are similar to the nutritional qualities of pasteurized and homogenized cow’s milk, hardened liquid fat, aka cheese, feces covered chicken, dead rotting, chemical induced beef, and PCB, toxic waste and mercury filled fish. These alleged healthy food sources are known to cause major health problems when consumed in the typical amounts by people adhering to the SAD (Standard American Diet).

Forty years ago, based on the concerns of the American Heart Association, the FTC carried out legal action upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, to compel the egg industry from bullshitting the public eggs had no harmful effects on health. Today, with roughly an $18 million advertising budget, we are hearing lies like:

“There is no need to avoid eggs on a heart-healthy diet”
“Even cholesterol-lowering diets allow moderate amounts of whole eggs”
“An egg a day may keep heart disease away”
“Eat your eggs, they’re good for you”

Unfortunately, we live in a “give me your money, honey” world. In order to pay big salaries, they “lie like a rug.” The only way you can protect yourself from them is to take control of your health. Take a walk on the wild-side. Go vegan for 6 months and see the difference. I went vegetarian in 1975 and vegan in 1990. At almost 80, no meds, no illnesses, no vaccines, athletic and energetic. One day, like you, I will die. If not, no one gets a parking space!

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