Top 8 Ways to Set and Meet Your Fitness Goals

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Top 8 Ways to Set and Meet Your Fitness Goals

Remember that resolution you made at the start of the year? To work out more, watch what you eat, and generally keep fit? Well, if you look at a calendar, you’ll realise that the year is steadily moving on. The question now is: to what extent have you stuck to your fitness resolution?

I’m not going to deceive you by saying that keeping fit is easy, because it isn’t. Almost everyone who started their fitness journey did so because they realised something had to change. Maybe the numbers on the scale became more of worry or the individual found themselves out of breath at the slightest exertion. Whatever the reason, the truth remains – sticking to a fitness plan is one of the hardest things to do. Most people start out enthusiastically for a couple of weeks, and then lose the drive and passion needed to continue.

Getting and staying fit can improve virtually every aspect of your life, encourage a sense of self worth and increased confidence.

Wondering how to stick to your fitness resolution? Read on to find out how to effectively set and meet your fitness goals.

Start Immediately

Keeping fit involves a lot more than having an idea at the back of your head or making a hangover-influenced resolution on New Year’s Day after a night of champagne. You have to start immediately. A lot of people want to devise a workout plan, but keep putting it off (“Maybe next month”, “Definitely after Valentine’s Day”). If you aren’t willing to hit the ground running, you aren’t ready to shed that extra weight.

Define your reasons

You don’t just wake up one morning and decide you need to lose some weight or build more muscle mass. There has to be an underlying reason that informs your decision. Fitness is not all about building bigger biceps or a flatter stomach. It involves more than that. Why exactly do you need to lose some weight or keep fit? What do you hope to achieve at the end of your fitness regime? Once you can answer these questions, you are set to proceed.

Set SMART goals 

Your reasons for starting a fitness regime will help properly plan your goals. However, whatever the reasons are, your goals have to be SMART. Everybody from the American Council on Exercise to Fortune 500 companies all over the world adopt the SMART system of setting goals.

  • Specific – Your fitness goals should clearly and specifically state what you intend to achieve. “I want to shed some weight” is not a specific goal. A specific goal is one that states exactly how much weight you want to lose. This way, you can measure success.
  • Measurable – Similarly, it is vital that you have a way to measure the progress of your fitness plan. If you want to lose weight, you should have a measured variable that will help keep track of your progress. Keep a record of everything you’re doing to achieve your fitness goals. It may be tedious at first, but it will help you measure how far you’ve come and how much further you need to go.
  • Attainable – It’s very important to set goals that you can easily achieve. Every step of your fitness plan should be realistically achievable. It is unrealistic to expect to lose 20 pounds in one month.
  • Relevant – Your reasons for starting a fitness plan have to be relevant to your lifestyle and pursuits. In order words, you need to have a really valid reason for starting a fitness plan.
  • Timeframe – It’s vital that you set a form of deadline for each achievement. For instance, if you want to lose weight, you can set a timeframe of three months to shed 20 pounds. When you have feasible timeframes, you will be more dedicated to meeting them.

Be willing to make sacrifices

“Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die”

You must have come across the above quote at one time or another. It perfectly sums up most people’s attitude towards fitness training. You want to get and stay fit, whilst maintaining the same lifestyle that got you to where you are. It just won’t work. You should be willing to let some things go. Control your calorie intake, cut down on smoking and alcohol, and basically avoid every form of unhealthy lifestyle.

Pick the right techniques

Most people get very enthusiastic about their fitness plan and are willing to throw everything into it. This is understandable, and even laudable. However, you need the right techniques that will help you achieve your goals. If your plan is to have a broader chest and bigger biceps, you need to know the correct combination of bench presses and workout to achieve that. If you’re working with a qualified trainer, they will prescribe an exercise regime based on the specific reps and sets you need. These people undertook the relevant trainer courses and know what they are doing.

Keep at it

Once you’ve defined your goals and picked the right combination of techniques, it’s important that you come up with a plan that allows you to put in maximum effort. Draw up a program that can fit into your lifestyle, without disrupting your schedule. Also, set up smaller checkpoints for tracking your progress; this will help keep you motivated to work out more, and on a regular basis. In essence, look for a way to make sure that you keep at your schedule. Consistency pays.

Know when to scale

Pay attention to your body. On your fitness journey, your body will constantly give you signs. These signs will let you know if you are overworking your body, or working below its potential. It is important that you know when to scale your fitness efforts – whether up or down. If you notice that your heart rate rises after a particular routine, this could be a sign that you are overexerting yourself and need to scale down on your workload. If there is no noticeable change in your body after several weeks, then you may need to increase your workload.

Keep track of your progress 

You need a way to measure your progress regularly. This will help determine how close you are to achieving your fitness goals. There are many tools and apps that not only help you keep track of how well you’re doing, but can tell you if you need to put in extra effort.

Final thoughts

Setting a fitness target and keeping to it is admirable. However, you have to be in the right state of health before you can indulge in strenuous activities. It’s a good idea to first consult with your doctor before beginning a fitness program.

How many pounds have you lost this month? At Dieta Efectiva you can lose 10-12 lbs your first week and 2-5 lbs every week after. Visit us to learn more about our program.
