What causes a bump on the roof of the mouth?

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What causes a bump on the roof of the mouth?

A bump on the roof of the mouth can be worrisome, especially if it does not go away quickly. Most causes of a bump on this part of the body are easily treatable, but it may also indicate a more serious underlying condition.

In this article, learn what can cause a bump on the roof of the mouth, including possible additional symptoms and when to see a doctor.

1. Canker sores

Canker sores are round, open sores in the mouth. They may be white, yellow, or pale pink and are very sensitive.

Canker sores are most common in the cheeks and gums, but they can also appear in unusual places, such as the roof of the mouth.

There are various causes of canker sores, including biting the cheek while chewing and scratching the roof of the mouth.

These sores usually resolve within a couple of weeks. They are not contagious, but they can be painful or uncomfortable and may make eating difficult.

Some over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription oral creams may numb the pain.

2. Burns

Hot beverages, such as coffee or tea, or foods that have just finished cooking can burn the inside of the mouth, including the roof. If the burn is severe enough, a bump or blister can form.

Minor burns usually heal without treatment, as long as the person takes care to avoid irritating the sensitive skin.