Tag: cancer

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Large study reveals that junk food really DOES increase your risk for cancer 8

We all know that junk food is terrible for us, but there may be occasions when you’re tempted to give in. Perhaps the vending machine is the social center at your office and you find yourself chatting and snacking more often than not, or you’ve given in to your kids’ requests that you buy the […]

The truth about eggs 18

First and foremost, when you eat an egg you are participating in the abortion of a creature. The purpose of an egg is to provide all the materials necessary to develop one cell into a complete chick with feathers, beak, legs and tail. This 1 -1/2 package is loaded with proteins, fats, cholesterol and minerals […]

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Cancer and circadian rhythm–Nobel Prize research shows how body clocks can turn back disease 1

Cancer. The word continues to evoke paralyzing fear in humans despite the science and education that exists to empower them to heal. Clocks-human beings live by them. Age, education, work, sickness, marriage—are all measured by the passing of years. Life and death are often measured in quantity of time—as opposed to quality. As the song […]

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Ajwa dates preserve liver function in cancer patients 4

Most people have recently found an increased interest in alternative medicines for cancer treatment, thanks to rising mortality rates and adverse side effects following chemotherapy and radiotherapy. An alternative believed to possess anti-cancer properties are ajwa dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.). In a study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, ajwa date extracts were found to […]

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To stop growing cancer, change your BLOOD 1

Nearly everyone is giving themselves cancer ever day by eating cancer-causing foods and using cancer-causing personal care products on their skin. When your body absorbs processed foods, beverages, air pollution and chemicals, all those toxins go into your blood (because your body makes new blood every day). This turns your blood into “cancer blood” that […]

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Scientists find the Japanese persimmon shows potential in treating colorectal cancer 11

Anti-cancer research regularly turns to nature for potential cures and more often than not, nature doesn’t disappoint. Such is the case with the Japanese persimmon, which research published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicinerevealed to have great potential as a treatment for colorectal cancer. Among cancers, colorectal cancer is among the easiest to […]

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Can aspirin help treat cancer? 8

More and more studies are pointing to the benefits of adding aspirin to conventional cancer treatment. A new review examines this available research and asks the question: is it “time to share [the] evidence and decision-making with patients?” Can a simple pill of aspirin help treat cancer? A new review investigates. Peter Elwood, of the […]

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Olives are good at reducing fatty liver

Researchers have found an effective new treatment for hyperlipidemiawith oleanolic acid (OA), a natural compound found in olives (Olea europaea). The study, which was led by researchers from China Pharmaceutical University and Nanjing Medical University, looked at the ability of olives to lower cholesterol levels in patients diagnosed with hyperlipidemia. While better known as a staple in Mediterranean […]

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The healing arsenal of superfoods that prevent breast cancer

The prospect of getting breast cancer is one of the greatest worries a woman faces. Among the different types of cancer, breast cancer remains the most common and is one of the leading causes of death among women. With only one in eight women developing the condition, there is still hope of avoiding breast cancer. […]

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Could a study published in 1911 hold the key to the successful treatment of cancer?

Cancer has been successfully treated with enzymes for many decades. Enzyme therapy is not new. In fact, it dates back to at least the 1700’s when Jean Senebier discovered that gastric juices could be applied to wounds to prevent infections and speed healing. The enzymes in gastric juice break down the dead tissue (as enzymes […]