Tag: cancer

Rosemary Oil- Boosts Memory, Fights Cancer, Relieves Pain & Improves Circulation

In ancient times, the plant rosemary was believed to have the ability to boost memory. It is a is a shrub-like green plant with pale blue flowers and long, needle-like leaves and its leaves and part of the flowers are used to produce essential oil. This plant was burned in schools to help students concentrate […]

Bell pepper, snack your medicine daily

It is important to know that bell peppers are one of the most heavily pesticide-contaminated vegetables. Washing off does not work because the pesticides come in the ground and are being absorbed by the roots of the plant. Next to this bell pepper is a night shade plant. That means that people with auto immune […]

Noni Juice- Boosts Immune System, Fights Parasites, Helps Diabetics & Even Combats Cancer

Noni is a tropical plant native to Polynesia. It is derived from the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree indigenous to Southeast Asia. For thousands of years, Polynesians have praised Noni juice for its healing properties. It has ability to boost the immune system, promote healthy skin, heal wounds, jumpstart your energy, and make you […]