Category: Blog

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Secret sting operation by the GAO blows away the liberal myth that claims people can “buy guns online”

As part of their radical, anti-gun agenda, the liberals are always looking for new ways to strike fear into uneducated Americans about the “horrible dangers” of firearms, and how “easy” it is for people to get their hands on these “uncontrollable killing machines.” But each and every time, these scare tactics just don’t hold up […]

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Scientists have determined the mummified child who was killed 500 years ago died from hepatitis, not smallpox

Using DNA samples from a 500-year old mummified remains of a child, researchers were able to crack the genetic code of an ancient strain of the hepatitis B virus (HBV). The finding, wherein scientists were able to “sequence the complete genome” of the virus, could help medical experts understand the intricacies of HBV, which is a “pervasive, complex, […]

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Anti-conservative censorship spreads from campuses to GOOGLE and other

Censorship, discrimination and mandatory “anti-bias” training sessions that cross the line into political indoctrination are now common stories for conservatives on college campuses. But they are increasingly the norm at another haven of young progressives: Silicon Valley. (Articles by Peter Hasson republished from A class action lawsuit filed on behalf of former Google engineer James Damore […]

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New research confirms that the scent of your significant other really does reduce stress, especially in women

According to a recent study, simply smelling your significant other’s shirt can help reduce your stress levels. Results from the study by scientists from the University of British Columbia can hold the key to keeping individuals in long-distance relationships, which are becoming more common, stay calm even though they have to spend time apart from each other. […]

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Scientists propose using yeast to clean up radioactive waste sites in a safe, cost-effective and eco-friendly manner

Yeast may hold potential as a safe and cost-effective material for cleaning up large volumes of acidic radioactive liquid wastes, experts reported in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology. The scientists explained that yeast contains strong properties that could withstand radiation emitted from radioactive sites, which continue to contaminate the environment following the end of the Cold War era. A team […]

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The world’s insatiable demand for chocolate has Colombia gearing up production – but heavy metals remain a huge concern for importers

The accumulation of heavy metals such as cadmium in food is a major issue in scientific communities and international food organizations, due to the high toxicological risks to consumers, and because there is no detailed record of such contaminants’ actual content. This is why researchers at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia felt the need […]

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Genes and genetic testing – The revealing truth

With one in four adults in the United States suffering from one or more chronic health conditions (including heart disease, diabetes or cancer), it’s clear that ill health has become endemic in the United States. But, according to Dr. Ben Lynch, it doesn’t have to be that way – especially if we effectively deal with […]

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Asbestos found in 17 makeup products thanks to one woman’s persistent concerns about child safety

Parents have a seemingly never-ending list of things to worry about, particularly when it comes to their children’s health. Even if you’ve done your best to ensure your kids eat healthy foods and you go out of your way to avoid toxic vaccines and medications, there are still ways that your children could inadvertently be […]

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Natural remedy: Honey found to have comparable effects to antifungal medications, but more affordably and without the side effects

Fungal diseases are a worldwide public health problem. Oftentimes, the treatment for these diseases are antibiotics. However, the use of antifungal medications are not entirely beneficial. The continuous use of antibiotics led to the increase in drug-resistant fungal infections, making them more difficult to treat. In addition, these drugs have side effects on health and […]

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More “folk medicine” holds up under scientific scrutiny: The fruit of an evergreen tree in Bangladesh found to reduce fever, pain, inflammation

  Yellow Myrobalan (Terminalia citrina) is a type of large flowering plant widely found across India and Pakistan. Its fruits are of particular interest, as they’ve utilized in many kinds of simplistic medicinal applications. The pharmacological potential of these fruits hasn’t been fully explored until recently, when numerous Pakistani researchers from various institutions took it […]