Category: Blog

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After throwing them in covid quarantine camps, German government also STRIPS prisoners of compensation payments to bankrupt them

Starting in November, Germans who are not considered to be “fully vaccinated” will be deprived of compensation payments from the government while under mandatory quarantine. Health Minister Jens Spahn announced that after meeting with the country’s 16 federal states on Sept. 22, the decision was made to stop compensating unvaccinated people the money they need […]

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FDA official: We will ‘blow dart African Americans’ and create ‘Nazi Germany registry’ for unvaccinated

An FDA official has been caught on camera advocating for creating a Nazi Germany-style registry listing the details of all unvaccinated Americans and forcing the vaccines on black people by shooting a “blow dart” at them.  (Article by Sean Adl-Tabatabai republished from Yes, really. Project Veritas released the second video of its COVID vaccine investigative […]

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High levels of microplastics found in babies’ poop

Babies are already exposed to a lot of plastic — even more than adults, according to a study. A new study showed that an average of 36,000 nanograms of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) microplastics (MP) can be found in every one gram of infant feces, compared to 2,600 nanograms for adults. This shows that infants are exposed to […]

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STUDY: Vaccinating children against COVID makes zero sense; more children are harmed by the vaccines than from COVID

A study published in Toxicology Reports on September 14, asks, “Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?” The study also poses the question, “Why are we vaccinating the elderly against COVID-19?” Researchers from Italy, Russia, Greece, Romania and the United States dissected the data on covid-19 infection in children and in the elderly. They properly […]

Massive ‘horse’ lies about Nobel prize winning treatment

KFOR news ran a fake story in which a doctor claimed emergency rooms in Oklahoma were inundated with people who used horse ivermectin paste as a treatment for COVID-19 and overdosed The story turned out to be pure fiction, as no such cases have occurred. Still, KFOR has not retracted the story or issued a […]

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6 bodily tissues that can be regenerated through nutrition

It may come as a surprise to some, especially those with conventional medical training, but the default state of the body is one of ceaseless regeneration. Without the flame-like process of continual cell turnover within the body – life and death ceaselessly intertwined – the miracle of the human body would not exist (Article by Sayer […]

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COVID HOAX: Study reveals 40-45% of coronavirus hospitalizations are actually due to other causes

Big Pharma and mainstream media have made it seem like getting vaccinated is the key to ending the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Now, government officials are also mandating vaccinations even among people who don’t wish to get inoculated, forcing some to choose between losing their jobs or getting vaccinated against their will. However, […]

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UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: Why has there been ZERO video footage of the raids on the US embassy in Afghanistan or interviews with Americans supposedly rescued by the Biden Regime?

America sure did exit Afghanistan in a big hurry. We left all the civilians, weapons, helicopters, tanks and lists of everyone who “betrayed” the Taliban by working with America in any capacity. The Embassy in Afghanistan and the airport in Kabul must have been under massive siege, yet somehow, the “higher ups” and all the […]

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5 Creative ways to use citrus peels

Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, and oranges can be used in their entirety. In fact, the peels may carry more nutritional benefits than the juicy pulp inside. For instance, a tablespoon of orange peel has thrice more vitamin C than the fruit, and four times more fiber. With so much food waste, there are […]

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Passionflower can reduce anxiety in just 30 minutes 4

Mental health problems, such as anxiety, can be detrimental to the overall health and well-being of those who suffer from them. Anxiety is also often linked to other maladies, such as chronic insomnia. Thankfully, purple passionflower can be used as a natural remedy for treating anxiety and insomnia. Purple passionflower, also known as maypop, is a common wildflower from the Passiflora […]