Tag: brain

Suicide prevention drug steps closer with enzyme discovery

In the journal Translational Psychiatry, researchers reveal how a certain variant of the enzyme ACMSD leads to abnormal levels of two acids in the brain, which may encourage suicidal behavior. The research team – including senior author Dr. Lena Brundin of the Center for Neurodegenerative Science at Van Andel Research Institute in Grand Rapids, MI […]

Why does time fly when you’re having fun? Study sheds light

Some studies in psychology have shown that emotions impact the way we perceive time. Fear and stress distort time and make it appear longer than it really is, while days seem to fly by when we are on holiday. Why does this happen? How does the brain “trick” us into thinking time is longer or […]

What Happens to Our Lungs, Brain & Mood When We Use a Himalayan SALT LAMPS

The Himalayan Salt Lamps are made from Natural Himalayan Crystal Salt Rock formed millions of years ago in the foothills of Himalaya. Salt lamps are blocks of pure Himalayan salt, so they come from the same region of the world. Also known as the ‘Vitamins of the Air’, they are made from the salt that […]

Babies Start Learning Language While In The Womb

New research reveals that newborn babies are able to tell the difference between their native language and foreign languages within hours of birth. The finding, which will soon be published in the journal Acta Paediatrica, indicates that babies begin picking up language while they are still in the womb. Experts have known for a long […]

Dance and music alter the brain in opposite ways

In the majority of earth’s most ancient cultures, dancing and music is wonderfully prevalent. This ubiquitous desire to make music and move along to it has been carried through into modern culture. Although some children may dread their trumpet tutorial and others would rather play their Xbox than attend ballet lessons, a new study shows […]

Recognizing the Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the brain and spinal cord, known as the central nervous system. The protective coating that surrounds nerve fibers is attacked by the body’s immune system, resulting in scars called lesions or plaques. This damage affects the ability of electrical signals to travel along nerve fibers to and from the […]

Novel dystonia mouse model may advance treatment for neurological disorders

Dystonia – a neurological movement disorder – is estimated to affect around half a million people in the US and Canada alone. For years, researchers have tried to determine what causes the disorder and find ways to prevent and treat it, but to no avail. Now, investigators from the University of Michigan have created a […]

New opioid as effective as morphine, without the side effects

In a study published in the journal Nature, researchers reveal how they deciphered the atomic structure of the “morphine receptor” in the brain to create a drug compound that blocks pain just as well as morphine, but without the harmful side effects that can lead to patient death. What is more, the team says – […]

Language learning boosts brain plasticity and ability to code new information

In a paper published in the journal Scientific Reports, researchers from the Higher School of Economics (HSE), in Moscow, Russia, and the University of Helsinki, in Finland, describe how they used EEG (electroencephalography) to probe the brain mechanisms involved in language learning in human volunteers. Previous research has established that understanding the brain mechanisms involved […]

What Happens To Your Body If You Lose Sleep

Most people do not take sleep seriously, and so they will only have enough of it when they have time to spare. However, this is a huge mistake because if you do not sleep enough, your body will suffer the consequences. Contrary to what most might think, the lack of sleep does not just make […]