Tag: sleep

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What’s the link between brain fog and rheumatoid arthritis? 7

People mostly associate RA with swollen and painful joints. However, for many people with RA that is only one of the symptoms they face. RA is a chronic condition that causes inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation can lead to joint pain and stiffness, swelling, and decreased joint mobility. RA can also affect the eyes, […]

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Easy strategies to boost your dopamine levels naturally

Dopamine, a major neurotransmitter, is linked to focus, motivation, and productivity. However, factors such as diet and lifestyle can deplete your dopamine levels. If you feel like you’re not living your life to its fullest, you may be suffering from low dopamine levels. Thankfully, there are natural ways to increase dopamine. What is dopamine and why […]

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Lucid dreaming: Controlling the stories of sleep

Have you ever started dreaming and suddenly realized that you were in a dream? Have you ever managed to gain control over your dream narrative? If your answer to these is “yes,” you’ve experienced what is called lucid dreaming. The movie features impressive dream artisans who are able not just to control the shape and […]

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10 Reasons Why Good Sleep Is Important

A good night’s sleep is incredibly important for your health. In fact, it’s just as important as eating healthy and exercising. Unfortunately, the Western environment is interfering with natural sleep patterns. People are now sleeping less than they did in the past, and sleep quality has decreased as well. Here are 10 reasons why good […]

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Can Caffeine Before a Nap Boost Energy Levels?

A coffee nap refers to drinking coffee before sleeping for a short period of time. This is thought to boost energy levels because of its effect on adenosine, a chemical that promotes sleep (1). When you feel tired, adenosine circulates through your body in high amounts. After you fall asleep, adenosine levels begin to drop. […]

Loneliness may harm sleep quality for young adults

Researchers from King’s College London in the United Kingdom have found that young adults who reported feeling lonely were more likely to experience poor sleep quality, daytime tiredness, and poor concentration than their non-lonely counterparts. The findings were recently published in the journal Psychological Medicine. Loneliness is common in the United States. According to a […]

The key to looking younger may be as simple as getting eight hours of sleep each night

The secret to looking young can be found in your lifestyle habits. While it is true that genetics determines how your face will look like as you age, your lifestyle plays a stronger role in how old you look. Simply getting eight hours of sleep is enough to improve skin quality and texture. Sleep deprivation […]

Sharing a bed with your pet could help you sleep

Lead author Dr. Lois Krahn, of Mayo Clinic’s Center for Sleep Medicine in Scottsdale, AZ, and colleagues publish their findings in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. It goes without saying that the US is a nation of animal lovers; almost 65% of American households own a pet, the most common companions being dogs and cats. There have […]

Is too much sleep a bad thing? Evidence says there’s a healthful limit

It’s no secret that not getting enough sleep is bad for your health. It depresses immune function and wound healing, affects your mood and mental health, and raises the risk of a host of chronic diseases. But did you know that sleeping too much may have many of the same effects? Researchers consider seven to […]

Can’t Sleep? Here are 13 Effective Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Having trouble falling asleep can lead to getting not enough sleep or sleep deprivation, the most signs of which are excessive daytime sleepiness, yawning, and irritability. Chronic sleep deprivation can interfere with balance, coordination, memory, decision-making abilities. Worse still, it suppresses immune system function. Remedies to the more physical and environmental sleep-deprivers are fairly obvious, […]