Tag: cancer

Natural Allopathic medicine: the power to heal and cure cancer

There has never been a more important time for all systems of healing to integrate and bring their best practices to the forefront. Practitioners of allopathic medicine should be working directly with naturopaths to put patients first and get to the root causes of human suffering and disease. Good medicine should strive vigorously to do […]

A Miracle Immune System Booster: Make This Juice to Combat Diabetes, Infections, Heart Diseases and Even Cancer!

The immune system plays a significant role in keeping you healthy and in fighting against illnesses and infections. As people today have to deal with many virus and toxins from the environment, all of us realize the importance of a healthy immune system, which protects and improves both physical and emotional health. There are some […]

Women with a monthly cycle beware

My friend, Andrea Donsky, that has the website www.naturalsavvy.com, wrote an incredible article that is extremely relevant to all women that have a monthly cycle. She has given me permission to submit it here. As you read the article and become upset there is a link to go to to sign a petition. It is […]

Breast Cancer and Diet: The Scientific Studies You Need to Know About

Recent statistics suggest that approximately 1 in 8 U.S women will develop invasive breast cancer during her lifetime, and 1 in 1000 men will also develop the disease1. Earlier diagnosis, advances in treatment and increased awareness have all contributed to an increased survival rate for patients with breast cancer. Scientists studying breast cancer and diet […]

Acupuncture may reduce severity and frequency of menopausal hot flashes

Hot flashes, also known as hot flushes, are a sudden feeling of heat over all or parts of the body. They may also cause redness on the face and neck, red blotches on the arms, back and chest, and heavy sweating or cold shivers. Many health conditions can cause hot flashes, but they are most […]

Scary: Simple blood test could predict if you will die in the next five years

If you could find out pretty much the exact date – give or take a few months – when you will take your last breath among the living, would you want to know? If you said yes, then you may just get your chance, and soon. Scientists believe they may have come up with a […]

20 Signs of Cancer That Most Women Ignore

It’s recommended you get tested regularly. You should also look out for common symptoms often ignored. Here are 20 cancer signs you shouldn’t ignore. 1. Frequent fevers and infections: These are signs of leukemia – cancer in bone marrow and blood cells. Leukemia weakens the body and increases risk of infections. 2. Shortness of breath: […]

Medical marijuana victories sweep America as 4 states leap ahead with holistic freedom

The November 8 ballots produced a solid victory for medical marijuana proponents, with several states passing new medical marijuana laws. Four states – Arkansas, Florida, Montana and North Dakota – will all now allow those seeking pain relief and treatment for numerous illnesses to have access to the healing benefits of the cannabis plant. Before […]

7 Plants Native Americans Used to Cure EVERYTHING (From Simple Pain to Deadly Cancer)

The Cherokee and Meskwaki are Native American tribe that is indigenous to the Southeastern United States. They believe that the Creator bless them with a gift of understanding and preserving medicinal herbs. They believed and used the benefits of nature’s pharmacy. Here are some of the medicinal plants that were commonly used by the Cherokee […]

Exercise hormone sheds fat, ‘helps people stay slender’

A professor of cell biology and a team at Harvard Medical School discovered the hormone dubbed “irisin” in 2012. They isolated the natural hormone from muscle cells that trigger some of the health-promoting properties of exercise, which, they say, could be developed into novel treatments for diabetes, obesity, and cancer. In the previous study, the […]