Tag: cancer

Top 8 Super Benefits You Can Get From This Healthy Broccoli Smoothie

Broccoli is one of the most healthy vegetables, and its possible ability to help prevent cancer is probably the most publicized benefit of this super food. But do you know consuming broccoli regularly benefits your overall health in many other ways? While many people, especially children don’t like the taste of broccoli. Below is a […]

Colorectal tumors exacerbated by mouth microbes

Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States when men and women are considered separately, and the second leading cause when both sexes are combined. While the death rate from colorectal cancer has decreased in both males and females – due to colorectal polyps being found by screening and […]

Herbal Oil That Can Cure Depression, Migraines, Anxiety, and Even Cancer

herbal; For many years, frankincense oil has been used for therapeutic, religious and pharmaceutical purposes. Research shows that it offers many benefits like relieving pain, fighting inflammation, reducing stress, and fighting cancer. There are various ways to use this oil, you can either inhale it or absorb it through the skin. It can also be […]

Should I Worry About a Papilloma?

Papillomas are benign, outward-growing lumps that may cause problems in some locations. Papillomas do not spread. They are not aggressive or cancerous. It is important to get any lump or skin lesion seen by a doctor, though. This is to be sure that it is benign and not something to worry about. If a lump […]

What Happens To Your Body If You Lose Sleep

Most people do not take sleep seriously, and so they will only have enough of it when they have time to spare. However, this is a huge mistake because if you do not sleep enough, your body will suffer the consequences. Contrary to what most might think, the lack of sleep does not just make […]

Help prevent heart attack, cancer, and stroke by eating more of these 6 foods

Heart attack, cancer and stroke are the leading causes of death worldwide. While it is impossible to avoid risk factors such as age, sex and family history, there is plenty we can do to protect our bodies against these life-threatening diseases. Science has shown that eating more fresh, plant-based foods and fewer processed or fast […]

Eggplant Juice Prevents Cancer, Diabetes, Protects Heart & Brain Cell Membranes! How to Prepare it?

Eggplants belong to the nightshade family of vegetables, which also includes tomatoes and potatoes. It, also called aubergine, is a tasty, nutrient filled vegetable. They are different in size, colour or shape and contain many beneficial nutrients and phytochemical compounds that benefit human health. Eggplant Juice Nutrition Eggplants are an excellent source of folate, potassium, […]

Three health benefits of coffee

Luckily, a dose of caffeine and a satisfying taste aren’t the only things coffee can give you. In fact, that cup of java can be good for your health as well. Learn how to make perfect coffee Coffee can do many things for your body, but some are more impressive than others. Read on for […]

A high-fat Mediterranean diet may protect against breast cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular events

According to researchers, a healthy diet can include “a lot of fat.” A review of available evidence suggests that a Mediterranean diet with no restrictions on fat intake may reduce a person’s risk for breast cancer diabetes, and cardiovascular events compared to other diets. The findings are published in Annals of Internal Medicine. Despite advances […]

Using Splenda Linked to Type 2 Diabetes, IBS, and Cancer

More and more Americans are dieting each year, resulting in a steady increase in revenue for the diet industry. As of 2012, Americans spent 65 billion dollars attempting to lose weight. One of the largest markets were diet soda, with Americans spending 21.15 billion dollars. (1) American’s spent 21.15 billion dollars on diet soda in […]